About Deej
After playing pretty much every sport growing up (apart from swimming...I swim like a brick!) I got into Golf when I was 13 whilst with my Grandad on a school inset day.
From then on, I was hooked (no pun intended!)
I'd be at Dudsbury Golf Club straight after school during term time and in the school holidays, my parents would drop me off before they went to work and picked me up before dinner!
At the Age of 15, I qualified to play for England Schoolboy's against Wales and managed to win both matches!
When I was 17, I became Dorset Boys Champion and Captain of the infamous Dorset Team that won the Four Counties Championship without dropping a single point.

Although I loved playing, I was always the one that the lads would ask to look at their swing before we played in a match or hitting balls on the range together. So it was no surprise that, when I turned Professional as soon as I was able to (Aged 18), I would be focused on helping other people improve their Golf.
Whilst I'm mostly recognised for our Junior Academy, which sees over 100 children coming each week for lessons, I love introducing Golf to new people...it's always exciting seeing a face of shock when they manage to get their shots in the air for the first time!
My coaching theory...make it fun! We all tend to do better when we're more relaxed!